May we first welcome and thank you for visiting our Church website. We pray that God will use this site to His glory. As can be seen from our name we believe and stand upon the doctrines of grace held by our Baptist forefathers. We are also a Baptist Church holding to what has been called through time Baptist Distinctives. We believe the Holy Bible to be God’s revelation to man and is perfect and profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works that God has ordained we should walk in. 2 Timothy 3:16; Ephesians 2:10 Thus, we also believe the Bible to be inerrant and is our sole rule of faith and practice. Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ tells us in John 4:23-24, “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. 24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” We hold the practice of these verses to be vital to not only the worship of God, but also to the spiritual health of the church, collectively and individually.
Our teaching is expository in that we examine the scriptures for their truth and application to our lives. Our fervent desire is to be a church where the Gospel is not only preached, but lived out in the lives of our members. Our purpose is not only to worship God, teach and preach the Gospel, but to reach out to the community and the world with the gospel that lost souls should be saved. Our main goal is to glorify God in all that we do as the Lord’s church and as individual members of His body.
We believe that a church must exemplify the love of Christ in our lives; not only our love for Him, but our love for one another. If you are looking for a church where you can worship God in spirit and in truth, love God and your brethren, then may we invite you to visit us; spend some time getting to know us and we you and pray fervently for God’s direction in your life.